Use networks and win -
Your individual strategy for even more success!
Whether you are a small business, a medium-sized enterprise or a corporate group - our network of experts will create your individual marketing strategy with concentrated competence.
With media planning optimised for your company, we make your success visible.
For information to reach the customer authentically and convincingly.
Presenting neutral and information about your company to the public truthfully with the intention of building trust and enhancing your image.
As preliminary information, media representatives receive factually formulated press releases, image films, biographies, and business reports. These give them a first impression of your company. In press conferences, round-table discussions as well as during company tours, you then have the opportunity to again positively reinforce their opinion.
![Bildschirm Benjamin_Master_PR](
![2015-09-16 Plane Strohhalme_HP](
Promoting messages put into creative forms.
Making your corporate identity recognisable, tangible, and experiential.
Advertising is as old as the display and promotion of goods at markets. Commercial advertising boards were already found in the ruins of Pompeii.
Today's understanding of advertising is more in line with the 17th century. In 1650, the first daily newspaper emerged as a medium in which traders could advertise their goods for a fee.
However, it was not until 1850 that the multi-faceted advertising system as we know it today developed.
Awards + Honours
Our design won 2nd place at the Green Product Award
We designed the packaging for our client
The appealing colour, the clear design and the window make the organic straws stand out from the other products on the shelf.
For this implementation, we received the 2nd place of the Green Product Award 2013/2014 with
This is to certify the successful participation and high-leel of contribution in the areas of design, innovation and sustainability. A simple product with a good message. Nicely designed and implemented ....
Something to be proud of!
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Logo design
Your logo - your face to the outside world. Representing your philosophy, your statement or your beliefs with your logo.
Website design - made easy.
Design and maintain your individual homepage yourself - we show you how it's done and how to achieve professional results with minimal effort.
We not only explain what for example OI means, but also how to implement it.
Therefore: Order Immediately!
![Productplacement Rätselhefte](
Product Placement
Today, advertising is more complex and has increasing possibilities to present the advertising message consciously (e.g., radio advertising, commercials) or subliminally and suggestively (e.g., product placement, sponsoring).
Fürst Media - your advertising ambassador is happy to support you in all matters!